TYPE OF STUDY: iHUT (In Home Usage Test)
CATEGORY: Skin care
THE NEED: Our client was introducing a new product formulation in a unique packaging format and wanted us to validate how well the consumers understood its use and application.
THE STUDY: Using MM’s TPV+ mobile survey platform we were able to use consumer mobile devices to collect their behavior in the privacy of their homes over a period of 4 days. Media recording of actual product usage by consumers and other data in a non invasive manner. Via these photos and videos as part of the survey, the client was able to see real usage by consumers of their products and feedback in consumer speak.
IMPACT: This method allowed the client to get rich qualitative feedback in addition to the quantitative diary entries made by the consumers during the product placement period.
TYPE OF STUDY: Celebrity Test
THE NEED: As a popular brand with a popular celebrity endorsers of their key brands for a couple of years, our client wanted to quickly validate the effectiveness of their current celebrity endorser before renewing or changing.
THE STUDY: Using MM’s TPV+ survey platform we conducted a quick 10-15 minute survey to validate the key requirements of the client from the current celebrity endorser and the potential 9 other celebrities.
IMPACT: The urgency of the project required us to deliver the results within 48 hours which we managed to do in order for the client to meet their internal deadlines allowing our report to be part of their decision making and celebrity discussion.
TYPE OF SOLUTION: Online + Mobile Whitelabel
CATEGORY: Global Communications Agency
THE NEED: A leading global communication agency runs a survey amongst its global clients to evaluate its performance and wanted to make their surveys more contemporary by upgrading their existing online system.
THE SOLUTION: MM’s team rebuilt the clients system and delivered a complete digital survey platform that the client could use across the globe to serve their clients. The systems live analytics module delivered live reports on dashboards as per their proprietary algorithms.
IMPACT: The client team close to 75% set up time compared to earlier and also eliminated processing time while delivering their reports as the outputs are already ready on data collection.
TYPE OF STUDY: Youth Behavior Study
THE NEED: The client wanted to understand what their TG (mainly youth) were doing for entertainment and leisure on an ongoing basis to align their communication and marketing activities to ensure it was aligned with their consumers.
THE STUDY: Using MM’s TPV+ survey platform we were able to map the entertainment and leisure options and in turn map out activity behavior patterns of consumers. The top activities were also looked at for category association and brand fit.
IMPACT: Findings showed clear emerging trends for China’s youth in how they enjoy various hobbies and alcohol. The client was able to make key media strategy decisions for the upcoming year based on our findings and recommendations.
TYPE OF STUDY: Hybrid Concept Evaluation
THE NEED: As a premium but understated brand in China, the client was introducing a hybrid car to the market and wanted to understand the acceptance and relevance of the hybrid and environmental responsibility with the evolving Chinese consumer.
THE STUDY: The study involved identifying pairs of married consumers at the Shanghai Auto show to use MM’s TPV+ survey platform to explore cars and concepts they liked. This was followed by a 45 – 60 min IDI and in-car discussion at the VIP section of the client’s car display area.
IMPACT: The client got directional to each of the story board concepts exposed to the consumers to formulate their communication and positioning in China.
TYPE OF SOLUTION: White Label for Mixed Media Study
CATEGORY: Media & Research
THE NEED: A global leader in brand and media measurement approached MM to design a multi-lingual solution in order to run a country wide mixed media monitoring study.
THE STUDY: Using MM’s TPV+ survey platform, we built a on the go media monitoring diary that consumers had to fill through the day for every media touch point they came across for a period of time.
IMPACT: The study carried out over a period of a month nationally gave a clear picture of cross media behavior of different demographics, city classes and different ethnic groups; which the agency shared with their client base to better manage media spends of their clients.
TYPE OF SOLUTION: Enterprise White Label
CATEGORY: Research Agency
THE NEED: A leading global research agency wanted to expand their service reach beyond traditional and online method to mobile.
THE SOLUTION: Using MM’s TPV+ mobile survey platform as a base, MM customized the survey platform to fit the agencies products portfolio. This involved rebuilding the clients products for mobile and making the user experience intuitive and consumer friendly.
IMPACT: The client has used the service in over 15 countries across the globe and is in the process of expanding the functions of the solution on an ongoing basis.